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《华林国际佛学学刊》第一卷‧第二期(2018):105–165; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201810_1(2).0004

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克孜尔壁画中的蛇与龙(Murals of Serpents and Dragons in the Kizil Grottos)

任平山(REN Pingshan)
(Southwest Jiaotong University)


Nāga, or long 龍 in Chinese, is often depicted as cobras in the ancient Indian and Southeastern Asian art, or as dragon in the Chinese art. In the Kizil Grottos in Xinjiang, the nāga is depicted in a range of themes, including the jataka story of Dashi emptying the ocean or the nāga saving merchants; or the story of the nāga king protecting Buddha Śākyamuni from the rain, or Buddha Śākyamuni subduing a fiery nāga, or the story of the nāga king turning himself to a bridge for Buddha Śākyamuni, or making inquiry to Buddha Śākyamuni in verses. In the Kizil Grottoes, the Kucha painters depict the nāga as having the form of a serpent, while still distinguishing it from a real serpent; thus, the origin for the depiction of the nāga is complex. In the Kizil murals, there are two imageries whose themes are still unclear: the imagery of a group of serpents winding around themselves and the imagery of humans torturing serpents. German scholars have hypothesized about these imageries, but their opinions are not shared by Chinese scholars. In this article, after comparing the murals with Buddhist sūtras, I put forth my own opinions.

关键词(Keywords):克孜尔石窟(Kizil Caves)、壁画(murals)、本生(jataka tales)、蛇(nāga)、龙(dragon)


关于作者:(1975– )江西南昌人,西南交通大学建筑与设计学院美术学系副教授。 2000–2004就读于四川大学艺术学院,研习中国美术史论。 2004–2007年就读于中央美术学院,研习中国宗教美术史,获文学博士学位。主要从事佛教美术研究,近年研究以新疆壁画为焦点。代表论文有《吴越阿育王塔四本生图辨》(2019)、《吐鲁番壁画善财童子五十三参——葛籣威德尔笔记小桃儿沟石窟图考》(2018)、《库木吐喇第75窟——敦煌写本P2649V的龟兹图现》(2015)、《重提吐火罗——尉迟乙僧原籍考注》(2011)等。


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