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《华林国际佛学学刊》第二卷‧第二期(2019):92–116; https://dx.doi.org/10.6939/HIJBS.201910_2(2).0002

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敦煌遗书中所见敦煌与外地之文本流通Textual circulation between Dunhuang and other places

郝春文(HAO Chunwen)、武绍卫(WU Shaowei)
首都师范大学(Capital Normal University)、浙江师范大学(Zhejiang Normal University)


Dunhuang is a transfer station for trading between China and the West, as well as a meeting point for cultural exchange between China and foreign countries. A large number of documents directly imported into Dunhuang from other places are preserved in the Library cave at Dunhuang. These ‘imported texts’ are the carriers of cultural communication between Dunhuang and other places, some of which are the result of the convergence and integration of Chinese culture and foreign civilizations. Collecting and collating these texts, analyzing their temporal and spatial distribution and evolution, and experimenting with their content and input methods can give us a more complete and in-depth understanding of the circulation of texts between Dunhuang and other places.

关键词(Keywords):敦煌(Dunhuang)、外来文本(texts from outside China)、交流(communication)



1999年获首都师范学院历史系历史学博士学位。历任助教、讲师、副教授等职,1994年被破格晋升为教授。现为首都师范大学资深教授,历史研究所所长。郝教授主要学术兴趣包括敦煌文献,三至十三世纪中国史,以及敦煌佛教。除了供职于本校的科研机构,郝教授还积极为学术界团体和组织贡献力量,在许多学术团体担任重要职务,并在世界上多所名校 (最近的有耶鲁大学与普林斯顿大学) 担任访问教授。郝教授访问耶鲁大学时发表了演讲“敦煌写本斋文的分类、定名及其文本结构”。



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