Thus Have I Heard – Schedule

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“Thus Have I Heard”:
Patterns and Logics in Buddhist Narrative Literature

Host 主辦:

Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art at Peking University


Dates: November 25-27, 2022 | 2022年11月25-27日







Vancouver 溫哥華 New York 紐約 London 倫敦 Beijing 北京
start 始 end 迄 start 始 end 迄 start 始 end 迄 start 始 end 迄
Session 1


Welcome 4:45 5:00 7:45 8:00 12:45 13:00 20:45 21:00
Keynote 1 5:00 5:40 8:00 8:40 13:00 13:40 21:00 21:40
Panel 1 5:40 6:25 8:40 9:25 13:40 14:25 21:40 22:25
Panel 2 6:30 7:30 9:30 10:30 14:30 15:30 22:30 23:30
Session 2 Keynote 2 16:40 17:20 19:40 20:20 0:40 1:20 8:40 9:20
Panel 3 17:20 18:00 20:20 21:00 1:20 2:00 9:20 10:00
Panel 4 18:10 19:10 21:10 22:10 2:10 3:10 10:10 11:10
Panel 5 19:20 20:00 22:20 23:00 3:20 4:00 11:20 12:00
Session 3 Panel 6 5:40 6:40 8:40 9:40 13:40 14:40 21:40 22:40
Session 4 Panel 7 19:00 19:40 22:00 22:40 3:00 3:40 11:00 11:40
Panel 8 19:50 20:50 22:50 23:50 3:50 4:50 11:50 12:50
Panel 9 21:00 21:45 0:00 0:45 5:00 5:45 13:00 13:45
Session 5 Keynote 3 5:00 5:40 8:00 8:40 13:00 13:40 21:00 21:40
Panel 10 5:40 6:40 8:40 9:40 13:40 14:40 21:40 22:40
Panel 11 6:50 7:45 9:50 10:45 14:50 15:45 22:50 23:45
Conclusion 7:45 8:00 10:45 11:00 15:45 16:00 23:45 0:00

Session 1 = November 25
Session 2 = November 25 (North America), November 26 (Europe, Asia)
Session 3 = November 26
Session 4 = November 26 (North America), November 27 (Europe, Asia)
Session 5 = November 27




部會 1

Welcoming Remarks


Zhanru 湛如、 Jinhua CHEN 陳金華
Keynote 1

主題演講 1

Victor MAIR 梅維恆 (UPenn 美國賓夕法尼亞大學): Hybridity in Medieval Buddhist-Chinese Narrative | 中古時期中土佛教敘事的雜糅性
Panel 1

場次 1

Rehearse the “Heard” 既聞再問 (Chair 主持: SHEN Weirong 沈衛榮; Co-discussants 共同評議人: Naomi APPLETON [1.1-2] & SUN Yinggang 孫英剛 [1.3])
1. Peter SKILLING (EFEO 法國遠東學院/Chulalongkorn University 泰國朱拉隆功大學): Evaṃ me sutaṃ: Who Heard What? | 如是我聞:聞者何人?所聞何事
2. Max DEEG 寧梵夫 (CardiffU 英國卡迪夫大學): “Once upon a Time” – So What? The Importance of Place in Buddhist Narratives | “一時”——然後呢?地點在佛教敘事中的重要性
3. Christoph ANDERL 安東平 (GhentU 比利時根特大學): “Have I thus really heard?”: A study of Vernacularized Life Stories of the Buddha Preserved in Dunhuang Manuscripts – With an Emphasis on Non-canonical Elements and Inconsistencies in the Narrative Structure | “當真我聞如是”?:敦煌文書中方言化的佛傳故事研究——以藏外元素和敘事結構的矛盾處為重點
Panel 2
場次 2
Speaking of the Buddha: Stories and Images 說佛畫佛 (Chair 主持: ZHAO Jinchao 趙晉超; Discussant 評議人: Christoph ANDERL 安東平)
1. Ulrike ROESLER 鄔瑞可 (UOxford 英國牛津大學): Framing the Path to Awakening: Tibetan Adaptations of the Jātaka Genre | 匡範覺悟之路:西藏對本生體裁的改動
2. Stefan BAUMS (LMU Munich 德國慕尼黑大學): Praise as Narrative: Representations of the Buddha in Gāndhārī Stotras and Epithets | 敘事式讚頌:犍陀羅歌讃和修飾語所展現的佛陀
3. JIN Son/Ven. Jeongwan sunim (DonggukU 韓國東國大學): The Narrative of a Buddhist Statue from Water | 一則出水佛像的故事
4. WU Weilin 吳蔚琳 (Sun Yat-sen U 中山大學): 造像的開眼:以古代南印度和斯里蘭卡佛教和印度教文本為中心 | The Eye-opening Ritual in Image-making: based on Buddhist and Hindu Narratives in Pre-modern South India and Sri Lanka

部會 2

Keynote 2

主題演講 2

WANG Bangwei 王邦維 (PekingU 北京大學): 《方廣大莊嚴經》中的《示書品》| The Chinese Translation of the Lipiśālāsaṃdarśanaparivarta in the Lalitavistara
Panel 3

場次 3

Media, Metaphor and Message 媒介、譬喻、與訊息 (Chair 主持: Wang Junqi 王俊淇; Discussant 評議人: LI Wei 李薇)
1. LI Wei 李巍 (He’nanU 河南大學): 由虛向實:六朝小說改寫佛教譬喻故事的歷史維度 | From the Imaginary to the Real: The Historical Aspects of Rewriting Buddhist Avadāna Stories in Six Dynasty
2. ZHAO You 趙悠 (PekingU 北京大學): 佛典中的機關木人喻 | The Metaphor of Yantraputraka in Buddhist Literature
3. KISHINO Ryoji 岸野良治 (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University 京都薬科大學): The Narrative Story about the One Who Became a Poisonous Snake preserved in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya and the Avadānaśataka |《根本說一切有部律》和《撰集百緣經》所見人變毒蛇的故事
Panel 4

場次 4

Stories of Theories 道其不可道:佛教敘述對佛教理論的表現 (Chair 主持: WU Weilin 吳蔚琳; Co-discussants 共同評議人: SHI Fazhao 釋法照 [4.1],  CHEN Zhiyuan 陳志遠 [4.2, 4.4] & WANG Junqi 王俊淇 [4.3])
1. CAI Tiantian 蔡田田 (University of Wisconsin–Madison 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校): A Survey of the Meaning of Prapañca in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra
2. ZHAO Wen 趙文 (NankaiU 南開): The Buddhist Narrative and the Cult of Prajñāpāramitā in China during the 6th Century | 常啼菩薩求法敘事與公元6世紀中國的《般若經》信仰
3. LI Can 李燦 (Beijing Foreign Studies U 北京外國語大學): 術語陳述還是超世間性?——重拾首楞嚴三昧及其敘事的意義 | Statement or Supermundanity?: Making Sense of Śūragama-samādhi and Its Narratives
4. MA Xi 馬熙 (NankaiU 南開大學): 肇紀律教:中晚唐佛教碑銘敘事的轉向與律學的興轉 | Going Forth to Vinaya: The New Turn of Narrative in Chinese Buddhist Epigraphy and the Spread of Monastic Precepts during the Eighth and Ninth Centuries
Panel 5

場次 5

“Thus I have Heard” vs. “Once upon a Future Time” 既聞未聞、融鑄古今:佛教敘述的時空穿越 (Chair 主持: HE Yansheng 何燕生; Co-Discussants 共同評議人: ZHOU Liqun 周利群 [5.1, 5.2) & Ben VAN OVERMEIRE 歐馥般 [5.3])
1. WANG Lina 王麗娜 (National Library of China 國家圖書館): 漢譯(根本)說一切有部的神異敘事——從未曾有到神通 | On the “Adbhuta-dharma-paryāya” Literary Form Seen in Sarvāstivādin Texts in Chinese Translation
2. CHEN Yingjin 陳映錦 (Beijing Language and Culture U 北京語言大學): 佛教創世神話文本的成立——基於敘事語境與線索的考察 | The Establishment of Buddhist Creation Myth Text: Investigation Based on Narrative Context and Clues
3. HO Chiew-Hui 何秋輝 (USydney 澳大利亞悉尼大學): Afterlife Abodes in the Lotus Sutra Tradition: Parasutraic Narratives and the Formation of Cultic Repertoire | 法華經傳統的來世處:副佛經敘事與信仰體系里的要素形成

部會 3

Panel 6

場次 6

Balls across the Board (and Borders) 含英咀華、和光同塵:佛教敘述的普適性 (Chair 主持: CHEN Ming 陳明; Discussant 評議人: LU Yang 陸揚)
1. Zhanru 湛如 (PekingU 北京大學): 西明寺文學與藝術傳統 | The Ximingsi Literary and Artistic Traditions
2. Nelson LANDRY 藍山 (Oxford): Monastics and the Medieval Chinese Buddhist Mythos: A Study of Narrative Elements in Daoxuan’s Ji Shenzhou Sanbao Gantong Lu (Collected Record of Miracles Relating to the Three Jewels in China) | 關於僧人與中古中國的佛教敘事:以道宣著《集神州三寶感通錄》的敘事方面為例
3. RAO Xiao 饒驍 (U. of N. Carolina Greensboro 美國北卡大學格林斯伯勒分校): Jeering at Masters before the Rise of Chan: Jokes about Buddhism in Medieval Chinese Jestbook Qiyan Lu | 禪宗之前的呵佛罵祖:《啟顏錄》中關於佛教的笑話
4. Rostislav BEREZKIN 白若思 (FudanU 復旦): Miracle Stories in the Formation of Precious Scrolls Narratives: With an Example of the Subject of the Miaoying Baojuan 妙英寶卷 | 靈驗故事與寳卷敘事的形成:以《妙英寶卷》的題材爲例
5. LI Xuan 李瑄 (SichuanU 四川大學): “報慈”書寫與清初遺民僧群體的身份認同 ——佛儒聯合與民間權力訴求

部會 4

Panel 7

場次 7

Renderings Gendered 女身成佛,頓悟性別? (Chair 主持: CHEN Yingjin 陳映錦;  Discussant 評議人: LI Can 李燦)
1. ZHONG Haoqin 鍾昊沁 (University of Hong Kong 香港大學): The Vicissitudes of the Story of Therī Paṭācārā: From Early Buddhism to Mahāyāna | 微妙比丘尼故事的前世今生——從原始佛教到大乘佛教
2. ZHOU Liqun 周利群 (Beijing Foreign Studies U 北京外國語大學): How One Bhikṣuṇī Met Indian Astrology? ——Buddhist Narrative Paradigm and Logic from the Story of the Mātaṅga Girl | 比丘尼如何遇上印度天文?——从 “摩登女”故事看佛教敘事範式與邏輯
3. Megha YADAV (SRM University- Andhra Pradesh 印度安得拉邦SRM大學): Society, Soteriology and Stories: A Case Study of ‘Sex Transformation’ in Mahāratnakūṭs Sūtras | 社會,度脫論和故事:《大寶積經》中“性別轉換”的案例研究
Panel 8

場次 8

Logic and Trans-logic: Tension of Words and Silence in Buddhist Narratives 淵默雷聲、心行處滅:佛教敘述中的語默張力 (Chair 主持: PEI Changchun 裴長春; Discussant 評議人: Zhao You 趙悠)
1. WANG Junqi 王俊淇 (Renmin U of China 中國人民大學): 遮詮與表詮——一對佛教哲學概念的形成 | On the Formation of Zhequan 遮詮 (Apophatic Discourse) and Biaoquan 表詮 (Apothatic Discourse) into a Pair of Philosophical Concepts in Chinese Buddhism
2. LI Wei 李薇 (SuzhouU 蘇州大學): 動機・行為・結果——律藏四波羅夷法敘事的判罪邏輯| The Logic of Conviction in Vinaya Piaka of Buddhism Focusing on the Four Parajika
3. Ben Van Overmeire 歐馥般 (Duke Kunshan University 崑山杜克大學): Understanding Chan Koan as a Literary Genre | 禪宗公案:一種文學體裁
4. HE Yansheng 何燕生 (Koriyama Women’s U 郡山女子大學/KyotoU 京都大學): 柳田聖山禪學敘事中的臨濟、良寬和一休 | Linji 臨濟 (?-867), Ryōkan 良寬 (1758-1831) and Ikkyū 一休 (1394–1481) in the Chan Narratives by Yanagida Seisan
Panel 9

場次 9

Narrative Genres 敘述體裁 (Chair 主持: HO Chiew-Hui 何秋輝 ; Discussant 評議人: ZHAO Wen 趙文)
1. Michael RADICH 何書群 (UHeidelburg 德國海德堡大學): The Mainstream Rebooted: Mahāyāna Twists on Mainstream Narrative Motifs | 重啟下的主流:主流敘述題材的大乘式新手法
2. Eviatar SHULMAN 舒爾曼 (Hebrew U. of Jerusalem 以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學): Storytelling in the Pāli Nikāyas: The Participle Kho and the Genre of the Sick Monk 巴利文《尼迦耶》中的故事敘述:分詞Kho與病僧文體
3. XIAO Yue 肖越 (RyūkokuU 龍谷大學): A Comparative Study of the Dharmākara Narrative in the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra |《無量壽經》諸本中法藏菩薩論的比較研究

部會 5

Keynote 3

主題演講 3

Monika ZIN (LeipzigU 萊比錫大學): Maitreya, the saviour? | 彌勒,那位救世者?
Panel 10

場次 10

Poem and Prose for Praising 歌辭交贊 (Chair 主持: Max DEEG 寧梵夫; Discussant 評議人: WANG Lina 王麗娜)
1. SHI Fazhao 釋法照 (Hangzhou Academy of Buddhism 杭州佛學院教師):《瑜伽師地論.體義伽他》 “流” (Ogha) 偈頌的研究與敘事分析 | The Studies and Narrative Analysis of “Flood” (Ogha) Verses in the Śarīrārthagāthā of the Yogācārabhūmi
2. NG Chin-fung 伍展楓 (Goethe University Frankfurt 法蘭克福大學): Chan With This-Worldly Cares: Hu Pu’an 胡樸安 (1878–1947) and His “Matching Hanshan” 和寒山 Poems | 世道禪心:胡樸安(1878–1947)及其“和寒山詩”
3. LI Xiaorong 李小榮 (Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學): 陳瓘佛偈創作綜論 | A Comprehensive Discussion on the Composition of Buddhist Verses by Chen Guan 陳瓘 (1057-1124)
4. Christopher K. TONG 唐思凱 (UMaryland, Baltimore 馬里蘭大學, 巴爾的摩): Wang Guowei’s Poetics of Self-withdrawal: A Case of Modern Transcultural Buddhism? | 王國維之 “無我詩學”: 跨文化佛學的現代先例?
Panel 11

場次 11

When the Mobile Meets with the Immobile: Text and Image for Buddhist Narratives 動靜會合、多維激揚:佛教敘述中的文本與圖像 (Chair 主持: Monika ZIN 秦莫逆; Discussant 評議人: LI Ling 李翎)
1. YAMABE Nobuyoshi 山部能宜 (WasedaU 日本早稻田大學): Pure Land Paintings in Dunhuang: A Reconsideration of the Relationship between Text and Art | 敦煌的淨土變:文本與藝術之間關係的再思考
2. ZHAO Jinchao 趙晉超 (NYU-Shanghai 上海紐約大學): Loving-kindness, Filial Piety, and Transcendence Seeking: The Tension between the Textual and Visual traditions of Syama Jātaka in Early Medieval China | 善行、孝道、與修仙:從睒子本生看魏晉南北朝時期本生文本與圖像傳統之差異
3. YI Ji-ho 李智浩 (Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig 德國薩克森省科學與人文學院 [萊比錫]): Offering Scent to Call for Help: Sumāgadhā / Sumatī Story Illustrated in Kizil Grottoes and the Local Fragrance Offering | 克孜爾千佛洞中關於寺院供香的三摩竭繪畫
4. WANG Fang 王芳 (Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig 德國薩克森省科學與人文學院 [萊比錫]): The Mural Painting of “Siddhārtha descending on the elephant” in Kizil Cave 110 | 克孜爾110窟佛傳壁畫“乘象入胎”考察
More Discussion 未盡意  Chair 主持: Jinhua CHEN 陳金華