30 10 月, 20202020 International and Intensive Program on Buddhism at Princeton University: GalleryClick here to return to th […]
4 2 月, 2022Call for Applications: Glorisun Research Associate at UBC Asian StudiesDeadline to apply: March 4, 2022
31 3 月, 2022公开讲座: 九世纪后期中国东南佛教的复兴 – 以善权寺为例游自勇(首都师范大学历史学院). 2022年3月31日, 太平洋夏令时间下午6:00 / 2022年4月1日, 北京时间早上 9:00. 线上
12 8 月, 2022Religions and Local Society in the Historical, Comparative, and Theoretical PerspectivesAugust 12–14, 2022, ONLINE with University of British Columbia
7 10 月, 2022Glorisun Distinguished Lecture Series: Buddhist Self-Immolation and Climate ChangeJames Benn (McMaster University). October 7, 2022, 7:30 PM PDT. In-person at The Place of Many Trees, Liu Institute for Global Issues, and online
8 10 月, 2022Guest Lecture: Ikkyū and the Crazy Cloud Anthology: Then and NowSonja Arntzen (University of Toronto). October 8, 2022, 7:10 pm PDT. In-person at UBC Asian Centre Auditorium and online
7 12 月, 2022Conference: Site-Image-Object: Rethinking Place in Chinese Visual and Material CultureDecember 7-9, 2022. University of British Columbia.